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Drone Technology Advantages And Disadvantages

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In now days the drone technology have been growing so fast in whole worldwide. Drone cameras were using in every field (like; agriculture, military and construction). Drone cameras are easy to use and save your time as well. Most drones are mainly used for surveillance purposes.

Any system has advantage and disadvantage and Drones can not be exceptional. Every think in this world have two faces one is positive and other is negative. Here are the few advantages and disadvantages of drone technology:

Advantages of Drone Technology:

Drone Cameras made human life comfortable, advance through wide technology and techniques. In now days drone cameras involve in every field of life. For example:

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In agriculture field. An agricultural drone is an unmanned aerial vehicle help farmer to increase crops production and monitor crop growth. Sensor and digital imaging capacity in drone give the rich picture of crops to look the condition. Agricultural drone can also be use for spray the crops and other minerals.

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Construction. Drone help the constructors by providing them easy access of large and difficult sites as well as the complex, tall and full view of construction sites through aerial survey. Drone easily provides you videos and pictures of your sites and save your time.

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Drone and traditional camera. Drone camera is easy to carry and has the better accessibility to capture pictures and videos than a traditional camera which require your whole body to carry. On the other hand drone camera require your connection with mobile and provide you better result than traditional camera.

Disadvantages of Drone Technology:

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Shorten lifetime. That's true a drone camera has the better accessibility than a traditional camera to capture videos and pictures, but it has 4 hour lifetime which is shorten than a traditional camera to uploading any media file before on social media, blogs, or documents. Drones have smaller batteries design which only exit for 4 hours at least just.

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Attack of wild animal. In an area where large number of wild animal concentration exit, you can't stay your drone camera in the air for long time. You facing so much difficulties to capture images and videos because drone cameras have not protection to avoid wild animals to caught it.

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Hacking. Drone cameras main system is easy to hack, very easy to avoid the original user of drone and create a new controller of drone. The network and control systems of drones contain vital information that is essential for hackers to sneak without the knowledge of original user.